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Services: cd design
If you are looking to do something different in advertising look no further. I can produce your own CD showcasing just about anything.
- I can publish a wide varitey of media on any CD including
- Text files
- Graphics files
- Sound files
- QuickTime movies
- Panoramic Virtual Reality movies
- Macromedia Flash Movies
- Macromedia Director Movies
- Web sites
- Adobe Acrobat PDF files
- Data Bases
- Software installers
- I have experience with producing full-sized CD's and Buisness Card CD's. With this experience I also have good, reliable production connections to meet needs anywhere from 1,000 copies to 1,000,000 copies.
- I understand how to produce Hy-brid CD's that can play on both MacOS or WindowsOS.
If you are looking to publish a cool, eye appealing CD contact me today! |
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