I agree to have all design work done in a timely manner. Usually web sites are completed within a few days with the exception of larger, more advanced sites including sites with database integration and sites that are template driven.
Cross Platform / Cross Browser Compatibility
I prefer to not design browser specific sites or pages. With the wide variety of Internet Browsers that are used this is an important issue. I test all of our sites on Internet Explorer 3, 4, 4.5 and 5 and Netscape Navigator 3, 4, 4.5 both on Macintosh and Windows platforms. Generally, I also test sites on browsers that are considered beta to ensure future compatability.
Work Review
It is my policy to let the customers view work that is being done on their web site. This can greatly speed the design process and easily lets the customer see where the design work stands.
All customers will pay the quoted rate for the work they requested. All customers are guaranteed an hourly rate for a time period of at least one year. After the first year customers are subject to the current hourly rates as outlined for the respective design packages at that time.
I expect payment in full upon completion of work. All design work including layout design, image design, scanning, etc. remain the property of Miracom Design until complete payment is received. Once full payment is received your site will be legally owned by you.
The footers of all pages will state that all work is Copyright {year} by Miracom Design until full payment is received. Upon full payment all footers are changed to reflect Copyright {year} {Your Company Name}.
I also reserve the right to charge late fees of 5% per month on any outstanding balance of completed work. All payment is due within 30 days unless specified otherwise in a written agreement.
Data Loss
Once I have completed your web site for you and have posted it on your site, or given you the disks, you are responsible for any data loss. I will not be responsible for any loss of data you incur by failing to backup your site.
If I have a Webmaster agreement with your or your company or I am contracted to do consulting work for you I will maintain your site, including data backup and site maintenance, in accordance with our written agreement. It is my policy to perform REGULAR and REDUNDANT backups every time there is new data, or changes in data.