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This new version of our site contains heavy use of CSS, JavaScript, and SSI. If you would like to learn more about these advanced features click here.

Site Status: Beta 2.1a


I have put together this help page to help my clients understand some basic HTML tags that may be needed, especially if you are using a database to control site content.

If you ever have any questions please drop me an email at

<b> Anything typed in after this character will be shown in bold face type. The <b> html tag must be closed with a </b>.

example: <b>type example</b> would yield type example
<i> Anything typed in after this character will be shown in itallic type. The <i> html tag must be closed with a </i>.

example: <i>type example</i> would yield type example
<u> Anything typed in after this character will be shown in underlined type. The <u> html tag must be closed with a </u>.

example: <u>type example</u> would yield type example
<br> This is a line break character.
<p> This tag is used to define a paragraph of text. The </p> HTML tag is no needed but can be used.
NOTE: You can also combine HTML tags.

example: <b><i>type example</i></b> would yield type example

<img src=""> This tag is used to insert an image into a web page.

example: <img src="/images/logo3.gif"> would insert my logo onto any page on my site.

<a href=""> This tag is used to insert a link into a web page. The <a href=""> tag must be closed out with </a>. Any text, or image contained between the <a href=""> and </a> tags will act as a link.

example: <a href=">email me</a> would yield
email me and would open your email application and insert my email address.

example: <a href=" Test>email me</a> would yield email me and would open your email application and insert my email address and "Email Test" into the subject header.

example: <a href="/index.shtml">home page</a> would yield home page and link back to the home page of this site.

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Sat, December 21

• I've just completed a new site for The M.F. Cachat Company at www. mfcachat. com

• I now offer custom database design. Using FileMaker Pro I can develope for any platform. Click here for more information.

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